Symmetrydirect continues to produce and market innovative wholesome foods Nutritional Products that gets results

Released on = October 29, 2006, 7:38 am

Press Release Author = Trevor Alfred / Alphred Ashton, LLC.

Industry = Food & Beverage

Press Release Summary = Two Miracle Molecules: Resveratrol (From Whole Fruit Red
Grapes) and Ellagic Acid (From Whole Fruit Pomegranate) helps to protect your body
against the diseases of aging and actually make you feel better and look younger;

PROCESS; is there a way to protect your body against the diseases of aging? To
actually feel better and look younger; TO FEEL ALIVE AND ENERGETIC EVERYDAY TO NOT
When we talk about aging we're not talking about what happens to you after 30 but
what happens to you everyday from the moment you're born. How your body repairs and
handles daily stresses directly impacts how long and how well you will live.
Scientists believe the human body was meant to live 120 to 150 years. The Bible
tells us that "our years shall be numbered to 120".
Today, science continues to prove the extraordinary health benefits of Bible foods.
Using that science, Symmetry has created a delicious blend of whole fruit red grape
and pomegranate extracts in apple and aloe vera juice infused with a proprietary
blend of powerful healing herbs, a miraculous, restorative drink that must be tried
to be believed.
Two Miracle Molecules:
Resveratrol (From Whole Fruit Red Grapes)
Discovered when researchers began investigating the "French Paradox". A French diet
containing high levels of fat but a French population with very low heart disease
spurred scientific curiosity. And the answer they found was the Red Wine, they drink

Ellagic Acid (From Whole Fruit Pomegranate)
Ellagic Acid is an anthropalexin, which translates to "protector of humankind" and
is so named because of the many ways it works with the human body to protect it from
serious diseases.
These two molecules are being shown to have an amazing impact on the length and
vitality of life in the laboratory tests around the world as well as startling
health benefits for humans in test after test.

Infused Herbs (In a base of Apple Juice and Aloe Vera)
In addition, we infuse our juice with the world's most potent herbs. This is a
process whereby the herbs are steeped without heat (much like sun tea) in the juice
blend. This lost art coaxes maximum benefits from the botanical materials without
damaging the more delicate active ingredients.
Each serving of Genesis provides:
. The polyphenolic anthropalexins (the most potent plant antioxidants) equivalent to
the juice of one medium pomegranate
. The resveratrol (another potent antioxidant) equivalent of one 5-ounce glass of
red wine, but without the alcohol
. Elagitannins, the stable food form of ellagic acid
. 100% juice standardized by Symmetry's proprietary PhytoPureT technology, ensuring
a consistent nutritional benefit and consistent high quality
. Infused Biblical herbs and nutrients including aloe vera, olive leaf, fig
extracts, red grape skin and grape seed extracts, St. John's Bread, barley grass,
cinnamon bark, coriander leaf and seed, cucumber, garlic bulb, juniper berry, leek,
lentil, mulberry fruit, onion bulb, sweet almond, and wheat grass.
. Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace minerals, phytonutrients, carotenoids,
cruciferous nutrients

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Contact Details = 201 Crown Street
brooklyn, NY 11225

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